Eben Taylor

Visual arts and Digital Media Instructor

This portfolio website is still under construction! Thank you for visiting it during its awkward adolescent stage. I'm learning HTML myself to better understand how to teach it to my students if need be. If you would like to see my portfolio website from 2022, click here: Ebenrosetaylor.

I specialize in stop motion animation, 2D animation, and character design. Additionally, I am proficient in other art forms such as painting, ceramics, sculpting, sewing, illustration, .

Here's an outdated picture of me, from 2021:

Activities that I still have on my plate before I finish this website:

  1. Finish up my digital animation commissions
  2. Complete my short film, Promphoria, and publish it publicly.

To help my future self, I will leave a link to these HTML/CSS tutorials!
